Remember when it used to be so amazing that you could take a phone with you wherever you went? Then it was cool that you could send text messages on your phone. Then it was cool that you could get the internet on your phone and play games. Well now it's freaking awesome that your phone is basically a laptop in your hand. Why do I even need a computer again? I tried really hard to not want an iPhone, but how can a girl resist? Well a girl like me anyway.

It's amazing. So glad i got one! I think my favorite thing is having my books with me wherever I go. No matter where I am I can read and if I don't want to read then I can just play solitaire.
Amen to the books!! My new fav app is Zen Timer to help me meditate 3x a day...I need that much help with patience. Thank you, Android! Can I comment about android on this iphone post? no offense, iphone, I just can't afford you.
speaking of jealousy...
just kidding. cool phone, man. ;)
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