Do you ever feel yourself consumed by jealousy? Please tell me I'm not the only one!! I think it's my least favorite feeling. It gets a whole big ball of negative emotion rolling. And I find that it is hard to stop that ball.
When I do want to solve a problem I try and find the opposite of what I am dealing with. Then I can try and balance myself out. So what would I say is the opposite of jealousy? Maybe compassion? Rather than envying others I soften my heart to feel love and rejoicing for them.
Everyone has their time of ups and then inevitably their downs and then inevitably, again, their ups. Sometimes the jealousy isn't about feeling like you're #1 and you're the one on top. Usually that's what we think it's about. But I think it is usually about some small thing that we seem to be missing. Something that we can only get from someone or something. For example feeling like you're being left out and being jealous of everyone who seems to be automatically included. We can get jealous of those "included" and they only way to feel un-jealous is to be included, but not out of pity or because you said something. We need someone to very smoothly and discreetly notice us feeling left out and then bring us back into the group. It always surprises me that in situations similar to this one nobody has a clue about those bad feelings. And it's not because their bad people! They always assumed you were included and never had any thought that you weren't wanted.So I say that it's best to just push through it. It's just a funky out-a-whack feeling. And it'll pass.
i find it ironic that you wrote about the "little green monster" on st. pat's day. :) but i really appreciate your insight. how did you get to be so wise, my friend?
Great post. Loved reading it and examining my little green monster. Reminded me of this article: http://lds.org/ensign/2011/02/learning-to-be-content?lang=eng
little green monster! ha! that was funny of me to do....well maybe if I was witty enough to do it on purpose! :)
I find myself consumed with jealousy as well. You are not alone! I find it is usually when I can't wait for something (No Patience). Like Cairo having his own room. I know it will happen in the future, but looking at other cute kids rooms is torture. I just have to remind myself of all the good things I have and then I feel better!
nice post...i can use these thoughts/tips occasionally!!! i love your opposite of jealousy. i think i'll adopt that.
Your a wise girl Angie! I think feelings like that are a life long battle. It's one of those things that we have to learn in order to pass the test that is this life. Not something that you can just check off and move on.
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