
Inauguration Day

I spent all morning watching the news.  I watched President Obama go to church, come out of church, go to the White House, leave the White House, and then onto the stage and off the stage. And I saw President Bush leave the White House and the moving trucks taking his things. What a significant transition this day was. I was impressed with President Bush's manner. What an awkward time!

I was also impressed with President Obama. He seemed humble and sincere. And even through the tv I caught onto the new attitude and feeling he has brought to this country. 

Cheers to the next 4 years!

1 comment:

Erin Brady said...

I'm glad that you posted about the Inauguration. I couldn't watch it on tv, so I followed it with msn.com. Which sucked because I lost a lot because it was so jumpy. It is definetly a red-letter day. Let's hope that he can put some life into our slumping economy.