
Just like the back of a cereal box

Hey Kids!

Ellen has 8 pictures, but no captions! What is she trying to say to us? Help Ellen talk by submitting your very own creative captions by May 31st . Phrase each as if Ellen were speaking. The more entertaing the better. Images are labeled A-H. One winner will be chosen for each caption.

The person who has the most captions picked wins!









Good luck!


Janell R. Cropper said...

B - Still not listening! La la la la

Angie said...

H-Does this look like a cute face to you?

alecia said...

H-You forgot to bless the food!

Anonymous said...

A- i'm cool like my aunt Brittany

ms aimee said...

B - OH JOE!!!
C - stay with me guys, don't look behind me.
D - this owl sack is koythee...
E - bye gandma
F - i am so busy for the next 20 minutes
H - Maimee GO!

Greg said...

B - Peewee's playhouse gone terribly wrong.

Grandma Di said...

a. wanna try my rose-colored glasses
b. Dad -- I'm trying to sleep!!
c. I've called ya'll here to this meeting...
d. Just stick out your tongue and say "aaah"
e. Can't you just take me to Grandma's house?
f. I hope these taste as good as they look
g. One for me, one for you...
h. I AM A GIRL! I CAN do it!

Anonymous said...

now mom's a blogger??

Josh said...

A. I know they're cute, but are they me?
B. Super Bomberman . . .
C. Um, hello? This is my table and these are my treats.
D. Yes, Mr. Bag-man. Today, the special is fuschia with a brick red glaze and a burnt sienna side salad.
E. Who are you people and where are you taking me?
F. I'll bet that was one funky-looking chicken.
G. Nobody's seein' nuthin'!
H. Don't even think about it, Dad.

Leah said...

It's a good thing I missed the deadline for this contest, because in my versions little Miss Ellen has some pretty crude language. What kinda kid are you raising?

alecia said...

yeah, how bout some results!