Hey Kids!
Ellen has 8 pictures, but no captions! What is she trying to say to us? Help Ellen talk by submitting your very own creative captions by May 31st . Phrase each as if Ellen were speaking. The more entertaing the better. Images are labeled A-H. One winner will be chosen for each caption.
The person who has the most captions picked wins!
Ellen has 8 pictures, but no captions! What is she trying to say to us? Help Ellen talk by submitting your very own creative captions by May 31st . Phrase each as if Ellen were speaking. The more entertaing the better. Images are labeled A-H. One winner will be chosen for each caption.
The person who has the most captions picked wins!
Good luck!
Good luck!
B - Still not listening! La la la la
H-Does this look like a cute face to you?
H-You forgot to bless the food!
A- i'm cool like my aunt Brittany
B - OH JOE!!!
C - stay with me guys, don't look behind me.
D - this owl sack is koythee...
E - bye gandma
F - i am so busy for the next 20 minutes
H - Maimee GO!
B - Peewee's playhouse gone terribly wrong.
a. wanna try my rose-colored glasses
b. Dad -- I'm trying to sleep!!
c. I've called ya'll here to this meeting...
d. Just stick out your tongue and say "aaah"
e. Can't you just take me to Grandma's house?
f. I hope these taste as good as they look
g. One for me, one for you...
h. I AM A GIRL! I CAN do it!
now mom's a blogger??
A. I know they're cute, but are they me?
B. Super Bomberman . . .
C. Um, hello? This is my table and these are my treats.
D. Yes, Mr. Bag-man. Today, the special is fuschia with a brick red glaze and a burnt sienna side salad.
E. Who are you people and where are you taking me?
F. I'll bet that was one funky-looking chicken.
G. Nobody's seein' nuthin'!
H. Don't even think about it, Dad.
It's a good thing I missed the deadline for this contest, because in my versions little Miss Ellen has some pretty crude language. What kinda kid are you raising?
yeah, how bout some results!
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