
What Really Grinds My Gears

I have this class. It's called Human Development throughout the lifespan. I hate it. It's the stupidest class I've ever had. I feel like every one who is in this class is incapable of higher thinking. Most people in the class don't say anything, but those who do say things like, "When I was doing research on wikipedia, I read that the more boys that a woman has, the more likely the younger ones will become gay. It's caused by something in the uterus." or "All women should breast feed because it's best way." Only to say 15 seconds later, "Not all women need to breast feed." Then there are stories like, "I had a friend who was kidnapped and they shot him up with heroine and then left him on the side of the road. He was addicited just like that and it's taken him 15 years to even try to get over it. It wasn't even his fault. "

Even the textbook is ridiculous. It has at least a dozen graphs and charts that contradict what the text below it says. (Our teacher wrote to the publisher about it.) But it says the most common factor linked to homosexuality is hereditary. I'm no geneticist, but I'm not quite sure how that works.

One last thing about this class is the teacher. She is the nicest person in the world, but she just doesn't seem to get it. She would do well in middle school. She reads us the test questions, tells us the answers. She does this because once she failed a class because the teacher was a meany and she never knew what the tests were about. So she wants to make sure everyone knows what they're being tested on. I'm actually in the class posting this right now. She just showed us a statistic that says girls and guys in Norway take care of themselves fairly similarly, but the men and women in the US have a large difference, with men lagging behind women. What does that even mean? How do they even get that kind of statistic.

I guess the part that is sad is that nobody in this class knew where the adrenal glands are located, but this is a Nursing Program class. Not a Prerequisite. Most of these people are in the program. Anyways, that's my rant for the day.

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