
(This is a random picture for everyone's enjoyment.)
We had a fantastic Christmas!! Way better than we were figuring for. Ellen and I got to spend an entire week down at Grandma Di's house. We felt so blessed to be at their house with family. We got to see some of our favorite teachers while we down there. Brother/President Monson was one of them! That was definitely a highlight for us. Greg and Andrea stopped by for a little visit as well. Joe went with them to a movie. I stayed for the food! ;)
Ellen is still in Richfield being spoiled by her uncle Churt, her aunts, and grandparents. I'm sure Harrison isn't giving her too much attention though!
We had some family members we were worried about over the week. We're glad that nothing too scary has happened with my sister Alecia and little Ruthie. We were also glad to spend some time with Joe's mom and find her surviving and happy. Tim's getting married in a couple of days! We are excited for our Vegas trip to be with him and this wonderful time in his life.

This post is a little sentimental. I am just feeling so blessed and grateful for a wonderful family and friends that love us and do so much more for us.
We got some great gifts. Britt gave us a gift certificate to Good Wood and free babysitting. Josh and Launi gave us a free date as well (you guys just supplied the only dates we may get for the next 6 months. Thanks!) Brittany along with my parents also gave us a wonderful gift: a new bed for Ellen! The little girl just ain't so little anymore! Joe gave me a huge surprise: a new red Kitchenaid! I was shocked...I don't think I spoke for like 5 minutes.
Ellen got overly spoiled for Christmas. A real Santa left a bunch of gifts for Ellen on our door. She took the longest to open her presents. Now we have plenty to etertain her with on our drive to Vegas!
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Launi said...

wahoo! glad you guys had a good christmas. let us know when you want to make good on our gift. (i'm so proud to be mentioned in this post)! :)

Launi said...

p.s. love the picture of ellen!

Anonymous said...

aww. christmas was pretty good. when can i come babysit??