I was cleaning behind the couches. Awhile ago Ellen scribbled pencil under this window. I moved out the couches to clean it off. Ellen wanted to help. I gave her the windex for her part. She was very good at squirting it and then wiping it off with the rag.

We sange the ABCs while we cleaned. We learned a new version. Ellen picked it up quick! Pretty soon she was so distracted by the ABC's that she just kept singing and squirting, but not wiping. The floor molding soon was blue.

It really is fun cleaning with your kid. We had a good time. Soon after we were all done and put our cleaning tools away Ellen found a pencil and scribbled on the wall again...
ohhh. so cute. the other day i asked harrison to help me do a "quick clean up" of the mess in the kitchen and living room...he says, "mwhy? it'll just get messy again."
she knows how to use a cloth and spray bottle? holy motor skills! and she's so cute (hair face etc). her feet have really grown too! thanks for the pics and story.
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