I have given myself this bravery award because I was brave. I informally applied for a job and they never did anything about it except being excited that I applied. the job I applied for is exactly what I'm doing for my internship (which I am NOT getting paid for), same days and hours. I've already been doing the job for almost a month so I'm good to go. They ended up giving the job to this kid on the basis that "he asked first". At first I understood and was accepting of the decision. But then I got so annoyed that I went back to the place and talked to this person and told her how bad I felt about the decision and had hoped that it would've been done more fairly. I don't really want this other kid to get fired, but maybe this will result in me getting something else. I haven't ever done something like that before! I talked to Joe after I found out I didn't get the job and then told him that I was going to go back and talk to this person about how I felt. It left Joe almost speechless. He said, "Whoa. That's the bravest thing I've ever heard you say you were going to do." Now my bravery is getting out of control. We went grocery shopping and instead of buying the same old yogurt I bought a new kind. Joe said shockingly, "I don't know if I can handle all this bravery from you." Look out world, it's another Pam Beesly.
"call 'em up, tell 'em who y'are."
very, very brave, ang.
wow, Angie. impressive. assertive.
good job ang!!
"go be brave!"
good work! That's very impressive...
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