This is a cow, you may recognize it as a hippopotamus. Ellen has changed hippos into cows. The store was a traumatic event for Ellen and for us. Luckily we were able to start laughing at the strange, but normal, two year old behavior. It was quite the process have her get her hippo stuffed and switching it with the display. The other funny things is that they had some extra cow noises to put inside the cow. So this hippo "moos". She loved her hippo until...

She loved closing and opening the box.

Over and over.

Then pulling the hippo out...

...and stuffing her back in.
Then the hippo was much less exciting. Then her new aunt Alia, and cousin Fatima bought her a horse and the cow definitely lost it's position of being her new favorite animal. But fortunately for the cow and for me we have become new best friends! Any guesses on the cow's name?
wayne cowley
for crying out loud leash it's pink and purple. not a wayne.
do you even know wayne cowley???
koythee was a good guess...cowthee
curly? that is my guess. wanna hear something random. Kelli and I picked up the same "cow" at build a bear today! Kelli loves hippos.
That is a random story. It is a great hippo. Very soft and cuddly.
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