When Ellen sees the Wii remotes, she likes to pull them out and whip them around like she's playing the most exciting game ever(she does pretty well at boxing...). But this day she just grabbed the remote and nunchuk, held them in her hands, then climbed in the chair ready to get her game on.

Unfortunately a full diaper cut her gaming a little short today...
As for the markers, this story is quite reminiscent of her pet goldfish Koythee. Angie will have to explain the details, but in short, she was supposed to be taking a nap.

"Hey mom, how's it going? We should watch a movie."

"Tarzan is good, what are you in the mood for? "

"Oh... this? Well, isn't it pretty?"

As you can see she has no remorse and I'm guessing from Angie's laughter she didn't learn a thing except how funny it is to color yourself. She only has two markers left. Brown and Black. Also notice the edge of the tub. Anything she touches turns blue.
i love ellen!
she is such a big kid...i'm missing it :(
1. this is hilarious.
2. i said to harrison, "there's your cousin." he says, "little sister."
3. one day ellen will hate that she showed off her booger-webs.
4. she sucked her blue thumb! lol
That is one adorable little girl! Such fun times!
Two-years old and playing nintendo.
she's a blue meanie!!
i miss her. when can i come babysit??
she's a tatoo artist
I can't believe how long her hair is getting!! and to think of all the artwork that lies ahead of her!
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