
Ellen and the Swing

The other day as we went to the park, I took a picture of Ellen on the swing. It was a lot of fun to watch her conquer the her arch nemesis as well. You may know him as the Twisty Slide.

That was fun...so, um... once, Aimee and Harrison called, and they talked to Ellen. She was watching 'fish' (officialy named Finding Nemo) She talked on the phone to them, a photo ensues.

Do you see that? It looks like she has a lot of hair! This is a joyous day for me. Angie asked me what my favorite part of being a Dad was. A very appropriate question seeing how today is Father's Day. I said my daughter. (Leash click here, it's the real cool test, the other one was a fake.)


Anonymous said...

thanks for the pictures! happy fathers day, joe!

alecia said...

joe: harumph!

ellen: you're so big! i miss you.

alecia said...

"watch her hair! watch her hair!"

ms aimee said...

ohhhhh. love that girl.

Anonymous said...

leash: friends?

alecia said...

you're the best, britt!

and you're the cutest, ellen!

Erin Brady said...

Ellen is so dang cute...when are you guys gonna have another kid??

Angie said...

another kid?? erin, when are you gonna have your first kid?? :) thanks for commenting.