Add an utterly useless, entirely over priced stupid book that is full of bad facts and biased assumptions for a class that was waste of time (pictured below.)

Now this part is a little tricky, but follow the instructions carefully to obtain desired results. Take all the previously prepared ingredients and take them toi the first morning of textbook buyback. Wait in line for 20 minutes and they will be turned into the intermediate ingredients know as "Cash."

Here is the tricky part and one must take the necessary precautions to ensure safety to the "oven" and that there will be a safe environment once one has returned home:

It is also extremely wise for those of you married people , having already prepared a safe return home for your self,to inform your spouse of your cooking expedition so as to provide a safe home environment for the "Food" upon return home.
Also I recommend going alone so as to prevent any "talking out of" that may occur. Put the phone on silent as a precaution.

Once the "Baked Goods" are secured, unwrap immediately so as to prevent the taking back of said goods. Return to safe environment and enjoy summer.
*You may half, double, triple, or even quadruple the recipe depending on the amount of textbooks that you are able to initially mix in.
If only I had those ingredients. Oh, well. (Launi will be so jealous of you for SPM, Joe. :) )
you can get all the rarely used physiology books you need from JOE
he's so weird
Josh, you can bring her over to play it anytime. And Leash, you can't call me weird, you like chemistry.
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